We recommend, architect, design and build innovative data-based software solutions to solve your data analysis and business operations needs.
Data Analysis
Business leaders, business data analysts and data scientists need relevant data to make data-driven decisions and predictions. There are many sources of useful data such as:
- Internal business system databases
- Vendor and customer data
- Industry data
- Public domain data
- Spreadsheets and other structured data files
- Unstructured data such as log files and documents
Making use of this data for analysis depends on the answers to several questions:
- Do I need to combine data from several sources?
- Are there tools to effectively analyze the data where it resides?
- What types of analyses do I need to perform and how often do I perform them?
- How big is my data?
- How fast does my data change?
- Do I need to transform my data before I analyze it?
- How soon after my data is created do I need to analyze it?
- Will analyzing my data where it resides negatively impact its source systems?
Sometimes we can simply point our analysis tools at the source data. However, with any complexity, a better solution may involve replicating the data to a data warehouse or data lake. The data may also be transformed to simplify analysis and improve performance.
DataLogix can help you build, populate and manage your data warehouse or data lake. Some of our favorite platforms are:
- Snowflake
- Databricks
- Oracle
- AWS Aurora
- PostgreSQL
There is no single solution to these types of problems, and DataLogix will recommend the best solution for your case and help you build it.
There is also the question of analytic tool selection for creating reports, dashboards, complex analyses, data experiments and predictive models.We can help you here as well.
Business Operations
While data collection, aggregation and analysis involves lots of data, it’s source is often business operational systems. Business operations need systems to handle transactions such as:
- Manufacturing a product
- Shipping a product
- Purchasing material
- Paying a bill
- Receiving a payment
- Entering a sales order
- Paying an employee
Typically, these transactions are very granular and execute in real-time. Transactions may happen very frequently and concurrently.
There are also business operations that are more complex and run periodically. For example:
- Calculating just-in-time raw material needs and planning their acquisition
- Generating paychecks
- Closing an accounting period
Systems that support business operations need to support the following features:
- Fast response times
- Data integrity guarantees
- High concurrency
- High availability
- Fault tolerance
Typically operational business solutions use a relational database such as Oracle, AWS Aurora or PostgreSQL to manage their data. In some cases, a NoSQL solution such as Cassandra, or DynamoDB may be appropriate.
DataLogix has built many operation business data solutions and can recommend the best solution for your business and can build it for you as well.
Cloud Services
Public Clouds such as Amazon Web Services, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud have become a popular alternative to buy and managing computing infrastructure in-house. It is much easier and faster to provision resources in the cloud, often just a few key clicks. However, it is also very easy to overspend in the cloud if you do it wrong!
Datalogix has extensive experience in building, managing and optimizing cloud infrastructure in Amazon Web Services. We have a thorough knowledge of the AWS building blocks and how to best use them. We also know how to do this efficiently. We can help you do it right!
Cost and Performance Optimization
DataLogix has extensive experience in optimizing cloud computing costs. Considering cloud pricing structures when architecting a solution is an important factor in optimizing cost. Rightsizing cloud resources and releasing unused resources can also have a large impact on costs. We can help you optimize your cloud run costs so you’re not throwing your money away.
We also have extensive expertise in optimizing system and and application performance. This not only makes for happier users, but can also save you money and help you to run your business more efficiently.
DataLogix has experience in a wide variety of industries. These include:
- Manufacturing
- Life Science / Pharma
- Health Care
- Aerospace and Defense
- Space Systems
- Publishing
- Software
- Software as a Service
- Clean Energy
- Retail